We are just humans with emotions and flaws. No one is perfect. Psychological Challenges for UPSC Exam Preparation is a major challenge for all. We may have a high dream yet not fully capable to focus while reading. Sometimes Energy can be very low. We would be expecting motivation from any external sources. It is normal for everyone. But the majority of aspirants gets distracted after getting bored in preparing for 5 to 10 hours a day. Follow this concentration techniques for UPSC Exam Preparation.
(Always keep telling yourself)
I am active, eager, energetic, enthusiastic, exuberant, able, capable, sensible, intelligent, efficient, excellent; faithful, truthful, grateful, friendly, loving, lovable, sociable, patriotic, healthy, wealthy, etc.
Self – hypnosis
(Do in front of mirror)
- I will surely become an outstanding student !
- I will be a great achiever in life !
- I will prove my worth !
- I can do it ! I can !
- I will use my time usefully the whole day today!
- This is my challenge !
This is my challenge !
This is my challenge !
Concentration Techniques
- Observe breath for 2 minutes before studying
- Be clear about your Goal
- Do self-hypnosis
- Do auto-suggestions
- Do visualisation
- Often sip water
- Avoid reading lying down. Sit erect while reading.
Getting up early in the Morning
Practice MAX Clock Technique as follows:
- Psychological Preparation: Do sub-conscious tuning for 5 min, before going to bed
- Physical activation: Next day morning: do brisk actions
- Physiological activation: Blow balloon
MAX Rote Memory
(Natural Memory)

After one month at bedtime : 10 mins.
What all you have done during the day from morning till taking dinner, recall after taking breakfast lunch, evening snacks and dinner, each time for 2 min. In addition, at bedtime, spend 5 – 10 min. to recall the whole day’s activities.
The process: Take a deep breath, with hands stiff, horizontal and joined at the nape of the neck; while exhaling bring elbows together; while inhaling take them away; lean backwards, bend shoulders, yawn, lean forward. Repeat the above process; lean forward, effectively stretch the body and hands for a ‘click’ sound.
- Do it as many times as you need.
- Use formal / instant method as per convenience.
- Very userful to get out or tiredness and lethargy.
- Do it with a bit sound For better effect.

Brain Activation
- To activate the left brain: apply pressure in the left armpit.
- To activate the right brain: apply pressure in the right armpit.
Very Important
- Activate your right brain while studying the subjects. You will be able to understand the matter well.
- While studying for exams as well as revising the matter and while writing your exams, activate your left brain.
Breathing Process
Defective Breathing
Shallow breathing
Hollow breathing
Correct Breathing
Deep breathing
Abdominal breathing
Alpha Breathing
(for concentration & relaxation)
Take deep breath, slowly release, gently hold the breath to relax. Repeat it for 3-5 min.
Exam Day routine
5.00: to get up
5.05: self- hypnosis
5.10: bath, etc.
5.40: meditation
6.00: study Time
- To review previous night’s matter first.
- To study until 11/2 hr. before the exam.
- Then dress up, take all necessary things, practise handwriting for 5 minces
- Take break-fast (avoid heavy stuff like dosa, poori, chapathi, vadas, curd rice)
- After reaching Exam hall activate left brain before writing the Exam.
Speed Reading
- Finger Technique : (10 minutes) => To read the material upside down
- Mirror Technique : (10 minutes) => To read in front of the mirror
- Run thro’ Technique
Speed Writing
Daily write 5 pages. write news notes or Insights Secure
practise it daily twice.
25 Concentration Techniques for UPSC Exam Preparation
- Observe your breath for 2 min. before studying.
- Do not keep your head to the north while studying or sleeping.
- Do not study in dull light or very bright light.
- Never straight away begin to study without visualising your goal.
- Study with clear understanding, do not mug up things.
- Before studying, glance once.
- While studying, scribble.
- Do not eat or chew while studying.
- Avoid listening to any music while studying except while writing records and doing routine homework. Even then, don’t listen to drums, tabla, fast beats & noisy music.
- Keep sipping water while studying.
- Keep 1/3rd metre maximum and 1/4th metre minimum distance from the book to the eye.
- Study in the morning rather than late in the night.
- In the night, soon after studying, go to bed straight away without spending time on TV. Then study matter will get into the subconscious.
- In the morning, review first what you studied in the night, and only then study fresh subjects.
- Don’t keep changing your study place.
- Do not stand, walk or lie down while studying, except when concentration is lost.
- Do not read aloud except when concentration is lost.
- Do not go for group study; group review is useful.
- Read varied topics.
- Give 10 min. break for every 1 hr of study, give 1 hr break for every 3 – 4 hrs of study.
- Take rest in breaks. You can listen to melodious music but not cricket commentary or cinema music.
- After reading, always have an intense view(gaze), for subconscious photography.
- Write Practice Tests daily.
- Activate the left brain just before writing the Exam.
- Often take a deep breath.
Everything takes time. So please try to do it for at least 21 days and make it a practice. Be committed and study focused. These Concentration Techniques for UPSC Exam Preparation will make you study smart.
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