I Feel lazy to reply the same thing repeatedly. So I’m posting my experience. The facts I’m mentioning is just what I felt and it is completely my own perception and experiences. I’m not an authorized person from Saidai Duraisamy’s Manidhanaeyam IAS coaching centre, but just a student of Manidhanaeyam IAS Coaching centre who studied last year.
Doubts on Manidhanaeyam IAS Coaching:
Students completed bachelor’s degree and waiting for results can only apply for UPSC ICS exam.
So Graduated students are only allowed to study. There are many Institutions for you where you can join by paying fees even though you are a college goer. But if you are interested in Manidhanaeyam just approach them and ask for details as there may be admissions for you luckily.
Apart from joining Manidhanaeyam if you are choosing civil service as your carrier during school or college days just you start preparing for civil service with the help of Internet.
♦Will Manidhanaeyam provide coaching for TNPSC exams too?
Manidhanaeyam also focuses on TNPSC exams but you have to be approaching them regularly for dates. The office will have lot of works as whole Tamil Nadu is making calls to them so there may be an improper reply for your questions but be sure about asking them repeatedly if you are serious about preparations.
♦For Which exams Manidhanaeyam give coaching?
Manidhanaeyam IAS coaching Centre provides free coaching to many competitive exams. UPSC Civil Service Examination, TNPSC group 1, group 2, group 4, VAO, Specialized recruitments, TNUSRB, SI Exam, etc.
♦Do Manidhanaeyam provide online Coaching?
Up to to my Knowledge Manidhanaeyam does not provide you online coaching. They are not even updating thier website then how can someone expect for that provision. Recently Manidhanaeyam uploaded some of the study materials for registered TNPSC group 2 aspirants. They have also uploaded some model question papers. But they cannot be taken as the online course.
♦Can other state students join in Manidhanaeyam?
Yes, some other state students are also preparing from Manidhanaeyam.
♦Do Manidhanaeyam IAS Coaching centre has branches at Madurai, Coimbatore or in any other district?
Officially Manidhanaeyam hasn’t announced about its branches. So there might be Only the faculties who worked in Manidhanaeyam have some coaching centers across the state.
♦When do Manidhanaeyam conduct Entrance Examination?
Manidhanaeyam conducts entrance examination after the UPSC examination of that year. So it will be by June or July. But this time, it may be delayed because prelims exams is on 24th August 2014. But keep on watching saidais.com or subscribe to our mail list to get notification.
♦Details about how to apply for Saidai Duraisamy’s Manidha Naeyam I.A.S & I.P.S Free Coaching Centre
Register Here and wait for their reply. This is not the final application. It is like one-time registration. Once they have notified for exams you need to register that using this one-time registration.
♦What type of questions will be asked in entrance
According to their notification on 2013 Exam pattern
GS 60 Ques (History, Geography, Economics, Polity, Science, EVS, Current Affairs)
CSAT 40 Ques (Logical Reasoning, Quantitative Apti, English Comprehension)
Total 100 Ques
♦How to prepare for Manidhanaeyam Entrance / What are all the books to study to pass in Manidhanaeyam Entrance Exam?
Book they suggest for general studies in their 2013 notification was
I suggest NCERT books rather than Tata McGraw Hill for GS but covering all ncert books in short time period is difficult so prefer TMH if you want to prepare in a hurry.
R.S. Aggarwal’s books are more than enough for CSAT Ques (Quantitative Aptitude Book, Verbal and Non Verbal Reasoning). But after finishing R.S.Aggarwal start practising by solving question papers.
♦Where can I get Model Question paper for Manidhanaeyam IAS Coaching Centre or Previous Year Question paper for Manidhanaeyam IAS Academy?I have posted some of the Saidai Duraisamy’s Manidhanaeyam Entrance Exam Previous Year Question Papers.
Approximately 11,000+ students are applying for exams which can be decoded by roll numbers generated by the server.
No. They have said me there are no such provisions. But from 2015 they have cancelled the entrance exam so anyone can join.
Is part time clses available?
Is part time clses available?
yes. you can opt for weekend batch.
I m registered to group 1 prelims coaching. After that no information from saidais.wen they class ll b started for regular?
I register for tnpsc group 2 prelims,when the batch list announced for proving coaching?
I register for tnpsc group 2 prelims,when the batch list announced for proving coaching?
Might be from this week
I can’t download or take a print out the question paper through google drive? did any other way is there?
I hav regstrd for tnpsc grup 1 free coaching clas..will thy inform abut clas initiation
yes. they will intimate you through sms.
I can’t download or take a print out the question paper through google drive? did any other way is there?
android app is getting ready for that. then u can simply download it in your mobile.
I hav regstrd for UPSC PRELIMS EXAM free coaching clasS..will they inform abut class initiation……..
When the class starts for group 1 preliminary exam ?
I hav regstrd for tnpsc grup 1 free coaching clas..will thy inform abut clas initiation
yes. they will intimate you through sms.
when will the classes start of upsc prelims 2015-2016 batches
I hav regstrd for UPSC PRELIMS EXAM free coaching clasS..will they inform abut class initiation……..
yes. they will intimate you.
I m registered to group 1 prelims coaching. when will class started . when is last date for applying group1 exam
When the class starts for group 1 preliminary exam ?
Might be on 2nd/3rd week of august.
Sir, I registered UPSC prelims free coaching this year…. till but there is no information can i join to manithanaeyam ias academy.
Sir, and i have another one question, i choose my optional subject as MATHEMATICS… so there is optional subject coaching classes for this subject in Manithanaeyam ias academy…. please reply….
When is the laste date for registering UPSC Prelims?
when will the classes start of upsc prelims 2015-2016 batches
2nd or 3rd week of august
hey everyone! anybody knows in which centre manithaneyam academy take classes for prelims (anna nagar or t.nagar ?). thank you deepak for this blog!! 😀
Thank u so much for your effort:) God bless u
Thank u for fueling me.
when wil d upsc prelims clases strted and how to know whethe i am eligible for the coaching r not is there any selected list for eligible candidates…..
No eligibility criteria.
i got a msg from mandiha naeyam to collect your admit card on 25th of this month..clses will be strted on this day na…
Nope. They will start only after inauguration day. I hope U will just get information about that event.
I m registered to group 1 prelims coaching. when will class started . when is last date for applying group1 exam
please rply the comments…..
when did u get the message ?? tejeswari
Sir, I registered UPSC prelims free coaching this year…. till but there is no information can i join to manithanaeyam ias academy.
Sir, and i have another one question, i choose my optional subject as MATHEMATICS… so there is optional subject coaching classes for this subject in Manithanaeyam ias academy…. please reply….
Nope. No, classes for Maths optional in manidhanaeyam. Probably after clearing prelims u may approach them to have classes for maths. I guess very few institutes give coaching for Maths.
till what date will it take for the batches for the upsc prelims in manitheneyam academy be allocated.Are the batches allocated.
What is the criteria for a person to get selected in the academy
When is the laste date for registering UPSC Prelims?
June 30, 2015
hey everyone! anybody knows in which centre manithaneyam academy take classes for prelims (anna nagar or t.nagar ?). thank you deepak for this blog!! 😀
Thank u so much for your effort:) God bless u
Thank u for fueling me.
Are all the batches allocated in MNT for upsc prelims
not yet. wait until Friday.
in the mnt office they told to wait until this Friday (28/08/15). they are processing itseems ..
when wil d upsc prelims clases strted and how to know whethe i am eligible for the coaching r not is there any selected list for eligible candidates…..
No eligibility criteria.
i got a msg from mandiha naeyam to collect your admit card on 25th of this month..clses will be strted on this day na…
Nope. They will start only after inauguration day. I hope U will just get information about that event.
I have registered for UPSC coaching for this year in the manidhaneyam website and i got the message yesterday ur requested to collect ur admit card for upsc prelims batch 2015-16on 28.8.15 @ 7am .I just want to know when the class will start and is there any entrance exam?
I have seen in notification for this batch no entrance exam, all registered student are get the free coaching like this.Please tell me if there is entrance exam.
Thank you,
Regards padmavathi.
please rply the comments…..
hello sir,
i have applied for prelims batch 2015-2016… they have asked to come to chennai to collect the admit card… actually i am from kanyakumari dt, as on 28th i cant go to chennai… will they send me the admit card through post…. if so, to whom i want to contact reg this….
when did u get the message ?? tejeswari
sir im nt get my admin card til now they not snd any msg . satdy is inaugration day . candidates who got admin card only they allow for class.
till what date will it take for the batches for the upsc prelims in manitheneyam academy be allocated.Are the batches allocated.
hello sir,
i have applied for prelims batch 2015-2016… they have asked to come to chennai to collect the admit card… actually i am from kanyakumari dt, as on 28th i cant go to chennai… will they send me the admit card through post…. if so, to whom i want to contact reg this….
when the classes are about to start….
What is the criteria for a person to get selected in the academy
There is no such criteria mentioned by manidhanaeyam. all candidates whoever applied in saidais.com will get free coaching.
Actually I got the admit card
But im doing only my u.g
how is this possible
i registered in OTR. but i forgot to apply for upsc prelims. is there any way to join in manidhaneym without admit card?
Please tell me either regular or week ends will be effective. Some people say that week end classes are less effective and some of the portions will be skipped. Isn’t it ? Since am working, i prefer to attend week end classes. Besides our own convenience, is there any other differences among them?
I have registered on 28.8.2015, when you will give admit card.
Hi, I registered group 2a prelim for 2015-2016 and I also got confirmation SMS. But I have no intimation from MNT official website about coaching class with regular.. Are coaching classes going there sir??
sir I have some dubiety provide food , stay specilites free of cost kindly pls told me sir
I don’t know basics about prelim.stay & accomidation free or not.