Manidhaneyam entrance exam is being held on June 8 and June 9. Time of exam will be displayed on the dashboard of manidhaneyam crm.
With one of our duplicate account I gave an attempt. Will share the experience with you guys.

It was smooth to login and to attend Manidhaneyam Entrance Exam

As per the instructions 100 marks for 100 questions and to be completed in 2 hours. 1 mark for each right answers. No negative marks. 100 questions were dived on the basis of subjects. All subjects were given equal importance.
Remember: You should not refresh the page while answering. Click on Save button for every question after answering else your answer won’t be recorded.
Exam Software Problems:
Lot of spelling mistakes and formatting error. some digits are symbols will appear in the middle of exams. but won’t affect you much.
Even though my Internet speed is reasonable their exam software is very slow in responding. After saving question and to move to the next question it took more than 1 minute. For some of the questions, I was waiting even for more than 2 minutes.
First I was unaware of the problem and wasted 30 mins without answering any questions. By the last 30 mins, I had 50 questions unanswered. With that time I can’t read any of those 50 questions. I have just copied all the questions to upload in our blog and so I have attended just ≈45 questions.
How to resolve the issue?
Even for copying, I didn’t have enough time. Each question loads for 1 min on an average. So in order to just copy those 50 questions, I need 50 minutes.
I have resolved the issue by right-clicking on the tab(Google Chrome Browser) and by clicking on Duplicate option.
I used this technique just to copy the questions. But you can use this technique to answer questions also. Duplicate in multiple tabs and answer different questions parallelly. So that you will have time to attend all the questions.
But use this technique only if you also face similar problem like me, waiting for the question to load. Try at your personal risk.
Also remember when you duplicate tabs Time shown in new tab will be wrong. So don’t get deceived by it. Correct time will be running in their server and within that 2 hours the exam will be end. But time in our browser may show some minutes extra. This happens only if you duplicate tabs.
Can We Google while attending Exam?
As we know already It is possible technically. But I won’t suggest you to do as it is ethically wrong.
You can google. But it would take you much time and so you can’t get enough time to attend all the questions. Some conceptual questions were difficult even if you can google. Anyhow all the factual questions answered by me(using fake [email protected] account) were right. So Google helps.
I have also uploaded Question Paper for Exam held on June 8 Morning at 9 AM. Download Manidhaneyam 2019-20 Batch Entrance Exam Question Paper.
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Sir ,today morning I had another entrance exam .so I can’t able to attend manidhaneyam entrance exam 2020. Will they give another chance to write the exam tomorrow ? Pls sir I am Waiting for your reply.
Hai gokul.. i had 11 mark only in this entrance exam … because the server was very slow and very poor… so .. they are give me free coaching for upsc … pls tell me ..
Since the server was very slow, I could not attend even more than ten questions. Can I get another chance to attend the exam.
We have re test option available in the portal. You can login and re take the test if you wish.
thank you for this information